
Submitted by Chris Roy on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 18:11

Just to clarify, if a subject verbally tells you there on probation and has search terms, would that fulfill the need to have actual existing knowledge of probation to conduct a lawful search?  Or would you need to verify their probation status first?

Submitted by fire88 on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 15:13

Submitted by Chris Roy on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 17:12

Just to clarify, if a subject verbally tells you there on probation and has search terms, would that fulfill the need to have actual existing knowledge of probation to conduct a lawful search?  Or would you need to verify their probation status first?

Chris – To strengthen your position at a motion to suppress, if your subject admits to a probation search clause, I would go one step further and ask for consent to conduct a search. That way of the subject’s probation status has been terminated early by the Superior Court, and he didn’t know of the update, you have a separate search basis in order to justify the seizure of any evidence. All recorded on your BWC.

   Always a good practice to confirm probation search terms through local Superior Court records or the Supervised Release file on your MDT. Just takes a little time and your subject isn’t going anyplace. Once you are investigating probation and search status, you have as long as is reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose of the investigation.

Stay Safe,

Ray Hill, LUPC Faculty



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